Hi! I'm Cara d'Bastian, but that's just a pseudonym for someone else who writes racier and science-fiction titles. I created this name because I wanted to write something that my children could read without the need for any embarrassing disclaimers.
At the moment, the family are living in West Malaysia. We move around quite a bit and will probably move around some more before I'm done.
If you're interested in any of my books, you'll find them at Amazon, Kobo, Nook store, iTunes...you know, all the usual suspects! :) If you're specifically interested in finding out more about The Check Your Luck Agency, you can go to the Check Your Luck Agency website.
If you're interested in contacting me for any reason, please send an email to CaradBastian ::at:: gmail ::dot:: com and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.